The market for marijuana packaging is expected to reach $24.1 billion by 2028, so it’s essential to take sustainability into consideration. Don’t worry if you have a few pre-roll containers leftover from your last trip to the medical cannabis dispensary. Besides storing cannabis, those tubes have a lot of other uses.
The pre-roll joint tubes from Innovative Sourcing provide airtight, waterproof, and odor-proof solutions for the best possible cannabis storage. But these handy little plastic tubes can hold more than that!
Here are five creative ways to use your pre-roll tubes in keeping with the growing trend of sustainability in packaging, which saw a sharp 42% increase in consumer interest between 2023 and 2024:
Perfect for Storing Tiny Parts:
First, let’s address the obvious. It’s a tube. Tiny objects can be placed inside.
For example, you might purchase the economy-sized bottle of aspirin even though you usually keep it on hand. Using a pre-roll tube is a clever way to have just enough in your car or purse. The pre-roll tube can keep the pills dry and fresh wherever you choose to store them, though it doesn’t really matter how fresh they are.
This is true not only for pills but also for any tiny component, such as when you’re working on a computer or other small electronics and need a place to put all of those tiny screws. If you have ever bought anything from IKEA, you probably need one or two pre-roll joint tubes in the event that you decide to move.
Check out our range of child resistant cannabis packaging that’s perfect for safe medication storage.
Your Portable First Aid Solution:
What should be included in a small first aid kit? A bag of painkillers, a couple of bandages, a pair of tweezers, some ointment, and a couple cotton swabs? (Side note: Every home and car should have a first aid kit, according to the American Red Cross.). A pre-roll joint tube can hold all of these small items.
Because pre-roll tubes can be carried and stored practically anywhere, they are the perfect dimension for being ready for any situation. You can make multiple first aid kit tubes to keep in your car, travel suitcase, diaper bag, and purse. It’s impossible to predict when you might require a first aid kit for a minor burn or scrape.
When it comes to injuries, you can also create customized kits for various issues, such as for a kitchen blaze or a beach first aid kit. Read more about the importance of appropriate packaging in our blog post on the fundamentals of child-resistant packaging for marijuana products.
Travel Essentials:
Flying and travelling are always touch and go situations, and it can be challenging to know how much you need to pass security. The good news is that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) permits small liquid containers in carry-on bags, which makes pre-roll tubes perfect for cosmetics that are travelling in size.
Additionally, these pre-roll containers can be a lifesaver if you have a lot of medication to carry with you. Pre-roll packages are the best option for travelling because they don’t take up much room in your purse or suitcase. Items in your bag may not become sticky or dirty because of the airtight seal. Similar to the first aid kit, you can create small travel kits, such as a miniature camping survival kit.
See The Evolution of Cannabis Packaging for more information on how our packaging solutions can help different industries.
Stress-Less Storage Solutions:
Time can be saved, and stress decreased by organizing small accessories. Clutter has been linked to poor mental health, according to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. By keeping jewelry and hair supplies in your extra pre-roll tubes, you can reduce stress and save valuable time. Put everything in a tube and toss it in your purse for easy to add necklace, bracelet, or earrings for a day-to-night look or if you’re going somewhere after work.
Even people with short hair will be able to relate to the bobby pin struggle. All of the bobby pins you need are in the bottom of your bag or purse, and they’re somehow sticky and filthy. You don’t want to put that in your hair! This issue can be resolved with pre-roll tubes.
A pre-roll tube can hold a large number of tidy, neat bobby pins before being securely shut. Other hair accessories like hair ties and tiny clips can also be kept in a tube. Do you have many samples of perfume? Additionally, pre-roll bottles are scent-proof, which helps to contain the scent and prevent it from spreading to other items.
From Herbs to Tobacco:
Lastly, our pre-roll tubes work great for keeping different spices and herbs fresh. Additionally, if you roll your own cigarettes using loose tobacco, packing a pre-roll tube full of your preferred brand and then slipping a few papers inside is a great way to store just enough extra tobacco for rolling.
You could even use it as a pre-roll joint tube and fill it with a few pre-rolled cigarettes to divide your daily consumption. The pre-roll tube will cover up any odors and keep your product dry and fresh. This is probably a strange one, but you could also store your cooking spices in a pre-roll tube if you like to mix your own or are a forager. After all, these plastic tubes are designed to hold herbs!
Our mission at Innovative Sourcing is to supply eco-friendly, adaptable packaging solutions that satisfy the changing demands of the cannabis sector. Our pre-roll tubes and pop-top bottles are made with sustainability and usability in mind, so your customers can purchase products that are simple to reuse after use.
Look at our entire selection of cannabis packaging options in order to showcase your company’s eco-friendly plans.